Monday, January 18, 2010

Offical Visit to the SDA

Dear All...

Today we paid our first offical visit to the SDA (the Ukrainain department of adoptions). We (Lorelle, myself and our Ukrainain facilitator,Sveta) waited in a hallway for a bit then were eventually invited in to talk with an offical state psychologist. Lorelle and I had all of our phrases in Russian set to answer as many questions as possible, but it turned out that Sveta did almost all of the talking. She explained to the psychologist why we came to the Ukraine for adoption purposes and these statements seemed to meet with approval. The only time Lorelle and I got to talk was when they brought out the dossiers of the girls we hope to adopt with their pictures. We were asked if these were the girls we wanted to adopt and we got to say "das" or "nyet." We both said "das" of course and that was it, except for the negotiations about when the department would complete our paperwork so we can go to the orphanage where the girls live. Sveta got the psychologist, very lovely person by the way, to agree to finish the papers by tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday).

After stopping at several vendor's stalls outside the SDA, Sveta wisked us off to a travel agent to purchase our tickets for a plane to Sevastopol tomorrow night!! Afterwards we stopped for beers and borscht at a local restuarant to wind down a bit. I have already commented on the wonderful flavor of the borscht here but the beer is really outstanding as well. They brought it to us in foot high mugs and it just went down like silk. Smooth and flavorful lager with a head like custard and just the right hint of hops. Makes me thirsty to think about it.

Anyway, Sveta has us organized to the max tomorrow, she and Lorelle will wait at SDA to pick up the papers then will have a car waiting to take them to the airport. Meanwhile, I will wait for the word about the papers and when everything is ready, a second car will be sent to our apt and I will pak it up and head for the airport to meet Lorelle with the luggage. If all goes well we will be in Sevastepol tomorrow night. Then, if all continue to go well (always have to say this), we will visit the orphanage on Wednesday to meet the kids!

Cant tell you how excited we are!... Stay tuned.....David and Lorelle


  1. We're so glad you're getting closer! We're so excited for you!! It sounds like you're enjoying each step of the journey. Have safe travels,
    Julie, Mark and family

  2. Wow! It sounds like things are going really well. Good luck tomorrow - have a safe trip! Sveta sounds wonderful. (so does the beer)


  3. Hello Lorelle and David,

    It is very special to follow this once in a lifetime adventure on your blog! What an absolute treat and thrill!! Love the travelogue. Will be following closely as your journey progresses and am so excited for all of you. Thinking of all four of you and sending my love and very best wishes, Carrie

  4. I was so glad to get an email from Gayla this AM when I awoke that everything was going well! You are probably driving through the rural countryside now on you way to Sevastopol. Maybe we can Skype when you get settled. Wednesday will no doubt, be one of the most special days of your lives..... meeting you girls!

    We will be with you in spirit! All our best... Pam, Len and Angella

  5. Glad to hear all is going well, It is working out so much like our trip, it is like re-living it all again. I will work on finding a good receipe for borsch while you are gone so we can share when you return. Lorelle, Please check you email I have sent you the email address for our Navy friend in Sevastopol.

    Kelley, Roger, Ben and Elona

  6. So far so good! I've got my fingers crossed for Wednesday!


  7. It is so wonderful to follow your journey via the blog! We are so thrilled for you guys! Gwyn shared some of your first blogs with mom (Sandy) and I read your recent ones to her today. We are all enjoying the experience vicariously! I recall visiting Kiev on a trip in 1989 when it was still part of the USSR. We had some incredible bread and salt ceremonies. Delicious! I don't recall enjoying the borscht much - but think I would have more appreciation for it now than then. Ha ha!

    It sounds like things are just working out so smoothly so far and that you have a fabulous facilitator! Thinking of you lots!

  8. So excited that things are moving so smoothly and quickly for you.

    You make me want a beer!

  9. hi david and lorelle,
    We are reliving the experience ( including the went into such detail, I was almost expecting you to introduce the species of hops used in the brewing of such flavorful lager .....if they had made the mead from sunflower, I know you would have been able to identify its genotypic / phenotypic origin )...thank you for recapturing the spirit of the process....we remember, with great clarity, the beginnings and endings of all the events....continued joyfulness on the journey...tomorrow is like nothing you have ever experienced....the real beginning of a new family.
    love, len and pam
