Saturday, January 16, 2010

Independence Square Photos

Skating happily to Ukraining pop songs!

View out from Independence Square Monument

David in new hat - see I said he looks handsome!!

We think some Swedes decided to visit Kiev!

Lorelle can't wait to explore the square at the entrance to the underground street crossing:)


  1. Lorelle and David ~

    We were so happy to read your news in your holiday letter. I have been thinking of you every day and asking the Universe to shower you with blessings. Your posts are so fun to read and the pictures are amazing. I will be following you every step of the way!

    Can you tell us more about the girls?

    Love and Hugs,
    Anne (and Ken and Ender too!)

  2. hey guyes! how are things going in there? i see you are having fun so for. well we mis you and hope things are going to succssied the whole entire time.
    love angella

  3. Lorelle and David,

    We love your posts! We're praying for you every day.

    Love, Craig, Julie, Trent, & Tyler

  4. Lorelle & David
    How exciting to read your mom's email this morning about your adventure. We couldn't be happier for you guys. Those sisters are so blessed to have you as parents. Praying for the details to work out smoothly and God's hand to cover your new growing family. We're expecting our daughter in the next week or so. How fun to have 3 new girls to our extended family all about the same time! We'll anxiously follow your posts and celebrate with you. Love Julie & Eric
